
Vision: Help students to thrive on Ke Ala Pono - the right path.
The Right Path - to describe our goal of nurturing and developing our youth. We believe that every individual has a unique potential and that it is our responsibility to help our students learn to work together within the local community to create a future that is pono - right.
Mission: Provide Hawaiian culturally-driven, including values-based, and place-based educational experiences through pilina ‘āina, pilina kānaka, and pilina ‘uhane.
Purpose: KOKL offers a specialized program which provides students with core curriculum, content area and electives in-keeping with State of Hawaii requirements, combined with Native Hawaiian values, culture, and place-based approach to education. From the early morning wehena (ceremonial school opening), Kua O Ka La students are encouraged to walk Ke Ala Pono - the right and balanced path.