Kua o ka Lā New Century Public Charter School *Hīpu'u Program
Kua o ka Lā Mission
To provide Ka Pae ‘Āina o Hawai’i with the knowledge and skills, through Hawaiian values and place-based educational opportunities, that prepare receptive, responsive, and self-sustaining individuals that live “ke ala pono” (positive pilina ‘āina, pilina kanaka, pilina ‘uhane).
‘Aelike (School Agreements)
Aloha kekahi i kekahi-have love for one another
Kōkua aku kōkua mai-give help, receive help
Mālama i kou kuleana-take care of your responsibilities
Mahalo i ka mea loa’a- be thankful for what we have
Kūlia i ka nu’u-strive for excellence
*Hipu'u refers to the knots that bind the strands of a fishing net. This program strives to bind students to cultural knowledge, their families, and a supportive network of communities.